AmigaActive (1398/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:19 May 2000 at 10:13:20
Subject:Hit counter queries

I used to have Frames on my site, but I recently changed it to no-frames so
that people can visit various pages of my site directly.

However, there's one problem - the Hit Counter. The hit counter is only on
the main page, which means that if people visit my Pokemon page or Amiga
page without going to it via the main page, the hit-counter doesn't

So here's my question. If I put the hit-counter on ALL of my pages, does
this mean that I would get a hit every time a person clicks a link to visit
a different page of my site, or does it mean that since the hit-counter
image has already been downloaded, it only gives me one hit every time they
visit my site?

I mean, say if someone was to visit my site, and the hit-counter was at
2259. When the person then clicks the link to my Stuff Page (which also has
the hit-counter on it), does the hit-counter go up one more, or does the
hit-counter stay the same (because the image has been downloaded already for
the first page)?

Also, does it make a difference whether they're using an Amiga or a PC to
visit my site?


Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
Email: ICQ: 39945538
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